How to Market to a Changing Casino Industry

In a few short decades, casinos have gone from something people saw only in movies or had to plan lengthy trips to visit to an industry that’s expanding rapidly and changing the way we live. To thrive, casino marketers must understand the changes taking place and adjust their marketing strategies accordingly.

The first thing casino marketers need to understand is that customers make decisions based on emotion, not logic or math. The gaming, dining and entertainment options offered by casinos are all designed to make customers feel good. It’s important to understand what emotions your casino’s brand evokes and double down on those elements to keep customers coming back.

For example, if you’re targeting high-spending gamblers, focus on showing the positive experiences other customers have had at your casino. You can do this by displaying video testimonials on your website and social media pages. You can also encourage your customers to tag your casino when they post photos of their wins on social media and display those pictures on screens throughout the casino.

Another way to increase customer trust is by offering perks to your best customers, such as free hotel rooms or meals, tickets to shows and even limo service. These are called comps and can be offered based on how much a customer spends at the casino.

Something about the nature of gambling seems to encourage cheating, stealing and other criminal behavior. That’s why casinos invest so much time and money in security. In addition to cameras and armed guards, they use lighting and visual media to create certain atmospheres and make it easy for security personnel to spot any out of the ordinary activity.