How to Write a Poker Article

Poker is a game that requires luck as much as any other card game but it also relies on a good amount of skill and psychology. Especially in games like Texas Hold’em where players bet on every card that is dealt to them. When writing an article about poker it is important to focus on the people that are playing, their reactions and how they interact with one another. If you write about a series of cards being drawn, bets and checks then it will feel lame or gimmicky.

The opening hand: Players are feeling each other out, no big bets but maybe a couple of bluffs. Rising action: bets start to increase as key players are revealed. The flop: Your pair of kings aren’t bad off the deal, but when the betting starts they turn into a loser 82% of the time.

Your opponents: Top players fast play their strong hands, a way to build the pot and chase off other players waiting for a draw that can beat them. They also pay attention to ‘tells’ the unconscious habits of their opponent that reveal information about their hand. These can be as simple as a change in posture or facial expression.

The last act: Being the last to act gives you control over the price of the pot, which is great if you have a good value hand and can help to inflate the size of your winnings. However, be careful not to get greedy and over-play your hand as this will make it harder for you to win the rest of the money.